Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's in a name?

A rose by any other name
still writes great fiction!
I've been talking to my husband this week about possible pseudonyms.  See I've written an adult paranormal romance and don't want the younger readers of The Soulkeepers (some are as young as eleven) to think this book is for them--although the current chart topping trilogy by EL James makes my book look squeaky clean. But I digress.

Suffice it to say, I've decided to call myself something different on these books, so as not to confuse anyone. But I struggle with pseudonyms for the same reason as tattoos.  How can you commit to something so permanent? With the tattoo, I wonder if I would sour to wings on my back and if then I'd want a fish on my toe instead. Or maybe on my ankle.  I'd want to change and rearrange it constantly, which is why I don't have one.

A name is the same, isn't it?  Do I feel like a Josephine today or a Savannah?  How will I feel tomorrow?  And every name under the sun already belongs to someone out there.  Will I be reduced to some nouveau spelling like SanDeE* from LA Story?

(If you've never seen LA Story watch this clip

If you have opinions on author names, leave me a comment. I need all the help I can get.

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