I've reached a few milestones this month that warrant a blog post. I'll be honest- I am uncomfortable with self-promotion and I've procrastinated writing this. But I know there are many writers out there who find it encouraging to read success stories, so here goes.
Milestone 1: 50,000 in sales.
BUT GP, you say, I thought you passed 50,000 a long time ago? This 50,000 is different. This 50,000 includes only books 2 and 3 at 2.99 and 3.99 respectively. It does not include any 99 cent or free downloads (or other sales) of The Soulkeepers (book 1). For me, this is a more accurate sales figure because these are not promotional sales. You don't read book 2 without already reading and liking book 1. I'm super excited about the 50,000 milestone but there's another even more exciting....
Milestone 2: 1,000th 5 star review on iTunes
This month The Soulkeepers earned its 1,000th 5 star review in the iBookstore. I couldn't be happier with how readers have connected with the series. In fact, it's a dream come true. Thank you readers for the support and encouragement you give me every day.
Milestone 3: I'm incorporated!
For a number of reasons, I incorporated my writing business and Carpe Luna, LTD now publishes the Soulkeepers series. I'm expecting to release two more books this fall, including the first book in a new paranormal romance series for adults and the first in a new young adult trilogy. More to come on these titles in the future.
So, to all of my readers, THANK YOU!!! And to all of my fellow authors, you can do it! Keep going! And thank you for all of your support this year.