- Reelfoothoodrat
- Shiningstar786
- AlisonDeluca
- just1Gabriella
- Lisacombs
- artdem83
- ravenrequiem13
- matthiasville
- Jessiecochrane
- annmarieager
- abookvacation
- wordspelunker
- memoryofagoldfish
- kr15stina
- arick01
- wovenstrands
- Thebookmystress
Please contact me as soon as possible so that I can correspond with you about your preferences. If I do not hear from you in the next 24 hours, you will forfeit your position on the list and move to the bottom. If you didn't win, please consider buying your copy of the book or books of your choice. All of these selections are an incredible value, most under $3.
Thank you to all of the readers and authors who participated!
G.P. Ching